The Northern United Power Wuhai Thermal Power Plant Cooling Tower Noise Control Project is situated within the Northern United Power Wuhai Thermal Power Plant in Haibowan District, Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia, between the cooling tower and the Xingfu North Residential Community. A sound barrier is erected on the lawn between the south side of the cooling tower and the east entrance road of the power plant, with a length of approximately 231 meters and a height of about 23.0 meters. Due to the complex construction environment, changes in soil elevation, and the original height of the sound barrier, the project duration is set at 150 calendar days. Upon completion and acceptance testing, the noise levels at Xingfu North Residential Community during the daytime (6:00-22:00) are ≤50 dBA, and during the nighttime (22:00-6:00) are ≤40 dBA, meeting the standards for Class I urban environmental noise levels. Therefore, the project has been accepted as meeting the required standards.