The Southern Coastal Intercity Railway of Jiangsu is located in the southern part of Jiangsu Province. It is the second intercity railway in the Shanghai-Nanjing corridor and serves as an auxiliary passenger transport route for the corridor. The line extends from Nanjing South (excluding) to Taicang (including), with a total length of 278.53 kilometers and a designed speed of 350 km/h. It is planned to be completed and opened to traffic in 2023.

The entire Southern Coastal High-Speed Railway is located in the typhoon-prone southeastern coastal region of China, requiring extremely high wind resistance performance for railway products. The design wind pressure load value is ≥5 kPa. Shangfeng Technology has independently developed and produced metal sound barriers with excellent wind pressure resistance, with a maximum wind pressure load exceeding 8 kPa, far surpassing the design specifications. This ensures the safe operation of trains under the most adverse wind conditions.

Shangfeng Technology’s project personnel overcame the impact of the pandemic, working diligently to ensure production and construction progress. They worked overtime to ensure the timely delivery of products. After the installation of the sound barriers, noise can be reduced by more than 30 dB, creating a quiet environment along the Southern Coastal High-Speed Railway.