Qinhuangdao Port Coal Yard is located close to the urban area, and during operations and stacking periods, severe dust pollution occurs during windy weather. In order to address this issue, since 2007, Qinhuangdao Port has installed 23-meter-high wind-blocking and dust-controlling walls, with a total length of over 5 kilometers, in the coal yards of phases III, IV, and V, as well as in the ore stacking area. After completion, these measures have achieved significant dust suppression effects, with a dust suppression rate of 86%, effectively controlling dust emission, drift, and dispersion in the coal and ore stacking areas of the eastern port area of Qinhuangdao Port. As a result, the ecological environment in the eastern port area has been improved. This project has been reported by various media outlets including China Central Television (CCTV), Xinhua News Agency, Hebei Television Station, and Qinhuangdao Television Station.