Our company undertook the Fengyi Power Plant 2X660,000-kilowatt unit expansion windbreak and dust suppression wall project for State Power Investment Corporation in 2020. The project is located in Fenyi County, Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province. The windbreak and dust suppression wall is arranged around the strip coal yard for bucket wheel reclaimers, with a total length of approximately 1 kilometer and a height of 19 meters. It includes four coal yard belt conveyor passages and six double-opening gates for mechanical entry and exit.

The steel support structure of the windbreak and dust suppression wall adopts a truss structure, with a spacing of 3 meters between steel columns. The main material for the truss is steel pipe, and the corrosion protection for the steel frame is paint. The windbreak and dust suppression panels are made of galvanized aluminum-zinc plate and are fixed to the support structure using screws and pressure plates.

The construction of the windbreak and dust suppression wall effectively controls the direct unorganized emissions of the coal stockyard to the atmosphere, reducing the environmental pollution impact of coal yard dust on surrounding orchards and farmland. The operation of the power plant complies with environmental laws and regulations and also reduces the resource losses caused by dust emissions.