On October 20, 2020, the Yinxi Passenger-Dedicated High-Speed Railway was fully opened. This railway is an important part of the “Eight Vertical and Eight Horizontal” high-speed railway network in the national medium and long-term railway network plan, known as the (Yin) Hai Passage. It is the first gravel high-speed railway built in the longest section of loess in China and has the longest completed mileage among gravel high-speed railways under construction in China. The line has a total length of 618 kilometers, with a designed speed of 250 kilometers per hour and conditions reserved for a gravel high-speed railway upgrade to 350 kilometers per hour. After the Yinxi Passenger-Dedicated High-Speed Railway is put into operation, the travel time from Yinchuan to Xi’an will be reduced from the current 15 hours to about 3 hours, forming a convenient passage between the Guanzhong Urban Agglomeration centered on Xi’an and the Yellow River Urban Belt centered on Yinchuan. This is of great significance for accelerating the construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, further improving the structure of the Northwest high-speed road network, and promoting regional economic and social development as well as improving people’s livelihoods. Our company undertook the 27-kilometer sound barrier supply and construction project from Yinchuan to Wuzhong section, which improved the noise-sensitive sound environment quality along the railway line and around the stations to meet railway noise emission standards.