he Anqing to Jiujiang Railway Sound Barrier Project is located in Anqing area of southwestern Anhui Province, Huangmei County in southeastern Hubei Province, and Jiujiang area in northern Jiangxi Province. The line starts from Anqing City, Anhui Province, passes through counties under the jurisdiction of Anqing City including Huaining, Qianshan, Taihu, Susong, and Huangmei County, Hubei Province, and crosses the Yangtze River to Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, where it connects to the existing Lushan Station. The total length of the new line is 197.891 kilometers, with 129.692 kilometers in Anhui Province, 52.781 kilometers in Hubei Province, and 15.418 kilometers in Jiangxi Province. The design speed is 350 km/h. The entire line is expected to be ready for operation by the end of 2021.

In 2021, our company undertook the supply and installation task of the sound barrier for the Jiangxi section of the Anqing to Jiujiang Railway project. The sound barrier materials meet the requirements for high-speed train pulsation force, capable of withstanding fatigue impacts of at least 4 million cycles, ensuring the safe operation of the railway. The sound-absorbing materials inside the sound barrier units maintain their sound absorption performance even in rainy and snowy weather conditions. Additionally, corresponding structural measures have been taken between the components of the sound barrier to resist train pulsation forces, withstand expansion and contraction deformations, avoid noise leakage, and prevent secondary structural noise, ensuring the effectiveness of the sound barrier.

According to design requirements, the noise reduction coefficient of the sound barrier should be no less than 0.7, and the sound insulation volume should be no less than 30 dB. Under normal operating conditions, the service life of the sound-absorbing and sound-insulating unit panels of the sound barrier is 25 years.

The Anqing to Jiujiang High-speed Railway is an important part of the “Eight Vertical and Eight Horizontal” high-speed railway main corridor of the national medium and long-term railway network plan, and after completion, it will add a new east-west high-capacity, fast and convenient passenger transport corridor between the East China along the Yangtze River and the Central, South Central, and Southwest regions. It will also further improve the layout of the railway network in the Yangtze River Economic Belt region, enhance the railway channel capacity between the Yangtze River Economic Belt and surrounding areas, and major cities within the economic belt, serving the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, promoting cultural, economic, and trade exchanges between cities along the river, and shortening the time and space distance between central provinces and cities, which is of great significance.